I was having a nice Saturday morning a week ago when I got a hunch to google the ‘3rd’ suspect, one of the first two arrested in Marc’s case. Kinda freaky to find out he’d been arrested twice in the last 3 months. It doesn’t seem like he’s getting his act together!
Three young men were arrested in total in Marc’s case, but this guy was not charged. However, he was the suspect who caused such a storm of anger and fear for many who loved my son or followed the case in Portland news.
When we originally saw his ‘mug’ shot our family saw this guy with a mohawk hair style glaring into the camera, looking at us menacingly. He was the one who told reporters that he was a bipolar-psychopath, and that ‘Wesley (lesser defendant) likes to stab people and get others to help’! We found out at this time he was a registered sex offender. Whew! (And he’s back out on the streets?)
It was just the most deranged evil thing you could ever state about a casual acquaintance to the police, to a large newspaper! Slandering, incriminating someone in a murder case whom you only knew briefly from the streets …. all for a joke or to save your face!? What kind of mind, heart does that? I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say we saw his recent arrests coming cause people who play with violence, many times can’t pull out of it’s web!
A parents concern for their child never stops, and even tho the case was solved the question of the 3rd guy went on in my mind a little. For over a year I was almost hating him, thinking maybe he’d goaded one or both of the other defendants into hurting Marc. His comment to the media just made me sick at first, and even tho we had the most awesome Detectives, D.A., I still wondered about his part? Did every little bit of truth came out? But now that I am talking with the lesser defendant I feel okay about things.
Murder has tentacles. It throws you into a bowl with people you never thought you’d meet or deal with. People that in real life may creep you out! It’s not like my son died from illness, or auto accident. It’s not like I just had to deal with nice, white gloved people at a hospital, or the agreeable people at a Mortuary. Murder affects SO many people!
With a violent crime you’re forced to deal with people that are repugnant at first glance, I even vaguely at first hated the idea of the Detectives/D.A. needing to drop by for their briefing. But I’m not numb to human suffering, I don’t put down people just for being homeless or on drugs, but people who live with a violent streak in them are so foreign to what I hold dear! I never want to get used to people who prey on others!
For me I just wanted everyone to pay their share of the price for justice for Marc. Like a good parent I wanted to see people take responsibility for my sons life. And miracle of miracles ….. it’s all come to pass as I desired! So I’m pretty content. God’s so good!
He’s basically cleared of the crime but he sure stuck his head into our lives, and tried to screw with many peoples minds, souls ….. so, of course in a way he’s ‘involved’. I’ll never forget him. All the fear he put in so many peoples hearts and minds, even the judge commented it made people fear coming to downtown Portland.
Some people never suffer for anyone, not even themselves. Dr Phil’s ‘Life Code’ does a great job of going into detail about those who ‘bait’ good people, manipulate others, etc. But you never know who will seek ‘wholeness’, and I pray his soul is delivered from the bondage he’s under!