My trip back to Portland turned out to be such a joy! I wasn’t sure what to expect going back there …. walking the streets where Marc had walked …. living in the home he’d lived in …. looking out over the city like he would daily.
I made plans to visit certain people and places, but I didn’t really know how things would pan out. Would people not remember Marc that well, would they just be back into their own lives and not be open to talking with me? Also, I was afraid of getting into the depths of depression again, my emotions have been taken such a beating for months now, I didn’t know if I could take anymore!
The staff at Oregon Culinary Institute just touched my heart with their comments of Marc. Executive Chef Brian kept bringing over people to say ‘Hi’, I could see they were genuinely saddened by what happened to Marc. That place meant so much to Marc, they opened his life up to new hope. He made some lasting impressions on people’s hearts. The thing there is …. it’s more like a ‘family’ than an institution … and that’s why Marc fit in so well. I donated at least a dozen of Marc’s best new knives so they could set up a little scholarship for incoming students. Again, if I can spread a little of Marc around Portland to help peoples lives then I’ll do it. I was invited for lunch at their restaurant where I had lamb stew with pollenta, onion soup and chocolate mousse. Just such a blessing to go there.
The next day I trudged over to Portland State University to visit Marc’s last work place. I got a similar greeting there as well. People just remembered him with love, I was truly surprised. It was neat to know he hadn’t faded from their hearts in the last 7 months. Marc got on with many there, people told me different stories, etc. Just so great to visit the place where my son spent so many hours.
I met with Leslie and Marshall from Bridgetown. I was so glad they could come by and pick up clothing. It gives me delight to know there are people walking around Portland keeping warm with Marc’s things on their backs. They may look at the windows at Macy’s and not feel too envious of the warm clothing for awhile.