Try as I may to be objective, there are some people I can’t suffer! Yes, I’m biased! I have to be biased if I want to keep my sanity, my soul safe!
I’m not so concerned about a persons politics, money or race as much as I find it important to be around people who are making an effort to be informed truth tellers. And I’ve really found that people who have folks in their lives they truly love and cherish are the people I respect the most. It’s just important to me to respect a person for who he or she is rather than if they think like I do.
I can’t bear insufferable complainers, manipulators …. and blamers are a huge pet peeve. I try to be tolerant of people who blame others for their problems but I can barely remember what they say after. Their arguments are lost on me. I also have a hard time suffering narcissists, folks who are blind to others and only see their needs or interests,
I’m careful who I’m on FB with, and who I follow on Twitter. I don’t follow many or have huge followers on purpose. FB is the side of life to me that’s more touchy-feely, and I like for keeping me up with family and friends. I can take my friends anger, boasting or whining if I know them personally and know how hard they are trying to get their life under control.
Twitter is the serious side of life. It’s important to me as I travel my path on this earth to interact with others who value life and who share their minds and hearts about the challenges and joys we all go thru. I have to be biased. I like to be challenged by the views and emotions of others. I like being challenged by people from different disciplines. I constantly need to update news or pertinent facts so I can stay as objective as possible in assessing an issue. If I don’t grow and learn to love others for their constructive views on a myriad of subjects or their good efforts to make a difference then I may as well fold it up and ask God to take me to heaven to be with Marc.
I can’t suffer some things in myself that creep in at times. I’ve had to evaluate myself like I’m using a scalpel in surgery, so I weed out things that are choking my joy and freedom. Sometimes it’s as easy as cutting out a stupid habit, or refusing to accept lazy thinking.
Being open and objective with others requires us to see beyond the deception of this culture …. to read between the lines of many statements out there. There’s also glamour and power tugging at our subconscious that we have to admit colors our objectivity.
No one can escape being biased to a degree but it helps when you’re honest about it –