The chant on social media where people are saying ‘enough with prayers and thoughts, we want action’, is not an accurate way to look at things.
Genuine prayers are not a problem, they are welcome in any circumstance, in my opinion. Prayers are a source of healing, unity, and resistance to the power of evil. Prayers are not a substitute for preparation for violent crimes, or a lame call for mankind to change their ways..
It seems to me the chants against prayer are deriding the fact that folks are deeply sad, and in shock after a tragedy, or during a crises.. We pray many times immediately after an incident because we have no words to describe our shock or pain re: a cancer diagnosis, or mass shooting. We don’t know how to console at first but we know God knows. We know bottling up our grief, and suffering silence isn’t healing.
The unique thing about prayer is that it’s user friendly. It’s not relegated to adults only, but kids of all ages can understand and participate in it. Prayer has always been used to bring peace or protection during times of war, or hostility. It’s been offered during fires, storms, to heal the sick in the hospital or used as an instrument of peace during political upheaval in millions of settings besides churches. It’s been an eternal source of good for people down thru the ages!
Prayers aren’t always formal, clearly thought out or instantly answered. It’s the language of the heart and soul for ourselves, or for others we may not know. There’s no place it can’t go. It’s powerful like Superman in some respects cause it goes faster than a speeding bullet thru glass doors to reach our child or enters hospital surgery rooms.
Prayer doesn’t hurt like a shot. Beginners have access to it’s power like the pros. There’s no need to fear prayer, unless you’re trying to hurt one of God’s loved ones. If you stand next to someone praying, it’s power won’t rub off on you in some negative fashion, it won’t force you into saying ‘Hallelujah’.
Since Marc’s tragedy I’ve been prayed for by Christians, Jews, Democrats & Republicans. I’ve been prayed for by people of all colors, rich & poor, pastors or lay persons.
I learned not to assess who’s close to God or not, who holds what wisdom, or power in the prayer world. I try to never suppose to know anyone’s position in God’s kingdom. I don’t judge anyone’s power in prayer because we all are growing in faith daily and are at various plateaus on our faith journey. I also firmly believe people are alot closer to God than they realize., and prayer often surprises the giver.
Prayer is sometimes used with the wrong objective by the misguided, but is still a powerful source for good in this world, so critics should stop yapping –